ifm PI2893 pressure sensors / vacuum sensors

ifm PI2893 pressure sensors / vacuum sensors

Model: PI2893

Price: $1.00

Brands: IFMIFM

Categories: Process sensors

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ifm PI2893 pressure sensors / vacuum sensors. ifm offers a wide range of electronic pressure sensors to meet the requirements of various industrial applications. The ceramic-capacitive measuring cell, tried and tested millions of times, is complemented by a stainless steel measuring cell with thin-film or thick-film wire strain gauges (series PK, PV, PT) and a piezoresistive measuring technique (for pneumatic applications). All units have robust housings and do not require moving parts such as pistons or springs. The result: The sensors are extremely shock and vibration resistant and operate without any wear or maintenance. The tried and tested ceramic-capacitive measuring cell is corrosion-resistant and long-term stable. Units with wire strain gauge in thick-film technology on a stainless steel measuring cell are distinguished by their very compact and robust design. They can be used in almost all industrial areas.

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ifm PI2893 pressure sensors / vacuum sensors

ifm PI2893 pressure sensors / vacuum sensors

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