ifm TS325A temperature sensor

ifm TS325A temperature sensor

Model: TS325A

Price: $1.00

Brands: IFMIFM

Categories: Process sensors

Guarantee, repair and return.


ifm TS325A temperature sensor, ifm temperature sensors. Temperature Measuring range: -20...80 °C / -4...176 °F. ifm offers a full range of temperature sensors tested for food and beverage production, rated IP69K for caustic and acidic solutions common in washdown cycles and sanitary environments. For machine tool and automotive applications, ifm offers a range of temperature sensors that can withstand weld slag and residue. For the steel, metal, and glass industries, ifm offers temperature monitoring with infrared temperature sensors that can withstand high heat applications due to noncontact, infrared measuring principles.

IFM level sensors features
● Units with integrated or separate evaluation electronics
● Modular concept for a large variety of applications
● High process safety due to self-monitoring
● Variable process connection using adapters
● High shock and vibration resistance

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ifm TS325A temperature sensor

ifm TS325A temperature sensor

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