Schneider ATV61HD30N4Z Altivar 61 variable speed drive

Schneider ATV61HD30N4Z Altivar 61 variable speed drive

Model: ATV61HD30N4Z

Price: $1.00

Brands: SchneiderSchneider

Categories: Variable Speed Drives

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Schneider ATV61HD30N4Z Legacy AC Drives, ATV61. The Altivar 61 drive is a frequency inverter for 0.75 kW/1 HP to 2400 kW three-phase synchronous and asynchronous motors. It has been designed for common fluid management applications in industrial and commercial buildings and infrastructures. The Altivar 61 can increase the performance of equipment and reduce operating costs in buildings by optimizing energy consumption whilst improving user comfort.

Schneider ATV61HD30N4Z Altivar 61 variable speed drive

Schneider ATV61HD30N4Z Altivar 61 variable speed drive

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