Schneider ATV340D22N4E Altivar Machine ATV340 variable speed drive

Schneider ATV340D22N4E Altivar Machine ATV340 variable speed drive

Model: ATV340D22N4E

Price: $1.00

Brands: SchneiderSchneider

Categories: Variable Speed Drives

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Schneider ATV340D22N4E Low Voltage AC Machine Drive, ATV340. Altivar Machine ATV340 - IoT-ready variable speed drives for safety and heavy duty applications from 0.75 to 75kW (1 to 100Hp). Altivar Machine ATV340 is a Variable Speed Drive designed for OEMs with open loop and close loop control. It supports all motors (IE2,IE3,IE4 synchronous and asynchronous, reluctance) with the heavy duty feature generating 173 Amps continuously in any environment. The integration with Modbus, Ethernet and SERCOS protocols allows remote monitoring availability through Smart Manufacturing, safety options (SS1,SLS,SMS,GDL,SBC) can proactively provide human and industrial process protections.

Schneider ATV340D22N4E Altivar Machine ATV340 variable speed drive

Schneider ATV340D22N4E Altivar Machine ATV340 variable speed drive

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